Welcome to Convei, the notably unfriendly company that processes a strange foul liquid into products intended for dark purposes that can only be guessed at.

In Convei, managing a conveyor belt full of tubes that need to be sanitized, filled, and finished off with a couple drops of something special is more than enough to keep you busy. But you've also got to deal with a cast of coworkers who are bored and love to talk. Not to mention, the boss is driving everyone harder than ever, and you don't even get bathroom breaks. 

Can you handle constant interruptions to your work, avoid getting fired, and use conversation to push your coworkers towards fighting for their rights? Or will you be the perfect corporate stooge and get everyone to buckle down and earn the boss some profit? Will you discover the dark purpose that may or may not lurk at the heart of Convei? 

This game was created for the September Game Dev Field Guide Game Jam #20. Work was completed in various chunks throughout the course of September, and received an extension to continue working up until October 6. All coding and Unity work by Roo, story and dialog by Andrew Breiner, and character portraits by Sam Denlinger. 


  • Z: Activate left (sanitization) zone. Hold to charge, tap to sanitize.
  • X: Control middle (filling) zone. Hold till full.
  • C: Control right (dropper) zone. Tap twice.
  • Arrow keys: Select dialog choices.

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